Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why kids those who print are slow in reading than those who write cursive?

Once I was attending our normal graphology session on one Sunday morning and I got the answer.

I basically am a teacher and had my own coaching classes. Mostly all my students were from convent schools and wrote cursive , except one who was  from non-convent. This child was very intelligent but whenever I use to tell him to read he use to first of all spell the words and pause after every word before saying the word. Initially he was just learning to read so I thought that was a reason ,but after  a year also it was the same often I shouted at him but…that day in the session I realised that people who print take time to connect thoughts which is very important while reading. Observe print writing it is disconnected as we say graphology is the study of the subconscious mind so in case of print writing the child puts a thought down in the form of a letter then takes a pause then the next. This is why his reading becomes slow not that he does not know to read.

People who write cursive you find the letters are connected that in Graphology means all the thoughts are connected all in a flow without a pause which gives speed to their written as well as verbal skills. Their spoken English is better than people who print be it from convent or any normal school. We have checked this in 1000 of cases. People who print have other strengths. Fluidity of thought here is the strength of cursive writes.

Graphology helped me as a teacher to understand my students


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