Appreciate in Public and Criticize in Private,
The easiest way to motivate your child is appreciate in public and criticize in private. This will not just motivate the child however will also raise his self esteem, improve his confidence, help him overcome his fears and the best will be it will improve your relation with your angel.
Many a times we do the opposite, we rarely appreciate and even if we do we do it when no one is around, why??? and when the times comes to criticise we dont leave the first chance to do it in public.
We feel that if we appreciate in public we will spoil the childs habits, and criticizing in public help the child to understand his mistakes.
Have we ever stepped into the childs shoes and thought, had we been in his place how we would have felt? No?? please do ... Dont forget just like we elders the child also has feelings , he too has an Ego , pride and Dignity may be not as big as ours but he does have......
Please remember do not do any of the action- be it appreciation or criticizm in excess and also appreciaton should be true appreciation.. A balanced approach is what is expected.
Try this simple gesture with your near and dear ones and see the Magic.
The easiest way to motivate your child is appreciate in public and criticize in private. This will not just motivate the child however will also raise his self esteem, improve his confidence, help him overcome his fears and the best will be it will improve your relation with your angel.
Many a times we do the opposite, we rarely appreciate and even if we do we do it when no one is around, why??? and when the times comes to criticise we dont leave the first chance to do it in public.
We feel that if we appreciate in public we will spoil the childs habits, and criticizing in public help the child to understand his mistakes.
Have we ever stepped into the childs shoes and thought, had we been in his place how we would have felt? No?? please do ... Dont forget just like we elders the child also has feelings , he too has an Ego , pride and Dignity may be not as big as ours but he does have......
Please remember do not do any of the action- be it appreciation or criticizm in excess and also appreciaton should be true appreciation.. A balanced approach is what is expected.
Try this simple gesture with your near and dear ones and see the Magic.