On the other hand there are kids who are very quick you explain them once and they grasp it. We often say wow !and frankly speaking we enjoy teaching them. Isn’t it?
Now teachers especially todays post will help you to understand who is slow at learning and who is fast, then without losing your cool you can handle those kids in a particular pattern.
Cumulative thinker
This is seen in a m which is rounded. These kids are slow at understanding any concept, not that they lack the ability to understand but they need things to be repeated over and over again till it is understood completely. Once they understand the concept they will remember it for years. They will want you to be slow and steady in your explanation follow a certain amount of sequence. If not they will find it very difficult to understand and will lose interest in that subject or topic.
Mothers if you have a daughter who writes this type of m and you want her to cook don’t just orally explain her the recipe demonstrate it to her and see she will learn faster. These kids will understand by demonstration .they enjoy practical classes more than theory. You will ask me why see the formation is rounded soft these kids move slowly collecting all the facts and once they collect all the facts about a certain concept it becomes easy for them to understand. That peace of information fits in their mind and they will never forget it.
These students are also very creative. While moving slowly they find their own ideas or methods to understand that particular concept. So teachers if you have these as your students be ready to repeat things for them and not get bugged with them .
See how Graphology helps to segregate a slow learner from a quick learner and makes life easier for all parent, teacher and kids.